Connecting science and society.

USRG publishes in a wide range of outlets.

We have significant output in traditional academic formats such as internationally-ranked and peer-reviewed journals - but we also highly value forms that make research accessible for a broader public, and which signify the value of transdisciplinary engagement and the co-production of knowledge.

USRG is also very actively engaged in science communication with the public, as well as in traditional academic arenas like conference presentations. Just let us know if you are interested in hearing more about how we can talk about our work to you!

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles 
Howe, LB (2022) Towards a Cooperative Urbanism? An Alternative Conceptualization of Urban Development for Johannesburg’s Mining Belt. Environment and Urbanization 34(2): 391-412. doi: 10.1177/09562478221112032
Herburger, J (2022) It’s not about compact cities. Progress in Human Geography 13(1): 44-49.
Herburger, J (2022) The Myth of Urban Densification: Tracing the Pathway of a Discourse on the Case of the Alpine Rhine Valley in Austria. European Journal of Spatial Development 19(4): 25-43. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6798752
Howe, LB (2022) Processes of Peripheralization: Toehold and Aspirational Urbanization in the GCR. Antipode. Online first, 25 May 2022. doi: org/10.1111/anti.12844
Howe, LB (2022) The Gender-Poverty Nexus and the Post-Pandemic Era in South Africa. Urban Planning 7(3) special issue on The Resilient Metropolis: 35-48. doi: 10.17645/up.v7i3.5463
Howe, LB (2022) Transit-oriented displacement or community dividends? Understanding the Effects of Smarter Growth on Communities. Town Planning Review 93(2): 235-237.
Howe, LB (2021) The Spatiality of Poverty and Popular Agency in the GCR: Constituting an Extended Urban Region. Urban Geography. doi: 10.1080/02723638.2021.1922200
Howe, LB (2021) Thinking through People: The Potential of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI). Urban Studies 58(14): 3009-3028. doi: 10.1177/004209802098225
Görgl, P, Döringer, S, and Herburger, J (2020) Miteinander statt nebeneinander! Strategien für die Weiterentwicklung interkommunaler Kooperationsstrukturen in der "Wiener Stadtregion." Raumforschung und Raumordnung 78(5):1-19.
Howe, LB (2018) Paradigm Johannesburg: Control and insurgency in South African urban development. International Development Planning Review 40(4), Liverpool University Press, 349-369. 

Monographs and Edited Volumes
Howe, LB, Heringer, A and Rauch, M (2022) Upscaling Earth. Material, Process, Catalyst. Zurich: gta Press (2nd edition).
Faisst, C, Palmer, V and Rhomberg, C (eds) (2019) Pendulum Alpine Rhine Valley. Everyday commuting about Liechtenstein. Erasmus Plus Project Strategic Partnership. Vaduz: Universität Liechenstein.
Howe, LB, Heringer, A and Rauch, M (2019) Upscaling Earth. Material, Process, Catalyst. Zurich: gta Press (1st edition, out of print).
Andersson, C, Elarji, D, Faisst, C, Palmer, V and Rhomberg, C (eds) (2018) Cities to come. Shaping logics of transition, grafted in Vienna. Vaduz: University of Applied Arts Vienna (Angewandte) and Bergen Architekturschule (BAS).

Book Chapters
Howe, LB, Parker, A, Rubin, M, Charlton, S, Cani, A and Suleman, M. Responding to the Indifference of Infrastructure: Comparative Research in Johannesburg and Maputo. In Coutard O and Florentin, D (eds) Routledge Handbook on Cities and Infrastructure. Forthcoming Spring 2023.
Mansfield, B and Howe, LB (2021) Learning Development by Doing: The “Massive Small” Evolution of the Resilient Civic Design Collective. In H Zander and S Solano (eds) New Modes of Practice. Oslo: University of Oslo Press, 274-285.
Görgl, P, Döringer, S and Herburger, J (2021) Strategisches Flächenmanagement in weichen Planungsräumen - Die Stadtregion Wien. In ZT Henn (ed), Stadtregionales Flächenmanagement. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Spektrum.
Howe, LB (2020) Densification in Comparison: Alexandra and Marlboro South. In P Harrison and A Todes (eds) Densification Policies and Processes: Johannesburg in an international perspective. Cheltemham: Edward Elgar Press, 182-192.
Howe, LB, Schwarz, D and Brillembourg, A (2015) Delvers Close. A Toehold in the Big City. In N Dechmann, N Ruffo, K Murbach, F Jaeggi (eds) Up Up – Stories of Johannesburg’s Highrises. Stuttgart: Hatje Kanz. 

Reports and Policy Documents
Charlton, S, M Suleman, LB Howe, M Rubin, A Parker, L Tshuwa and D Modisamongwe (2022) Micro-dynamics and Macro-processes. A Maputo-Johannesburg comparative study of intra-household decision-making and state-investment in transit. Gauteng Report, Volvo Research and Education Foundation. 
Parker, A, Charlton, S, M Suleman, M Rubin and LB Howe (2021) Micro-dynamics and Macro-processes. 6 Recommendations from a Maputo-Johannesburg comparative study of intra-household decision-making and state-investment in transit. Policy Brief: Gauteng. 
Howe, LB and Schmid, C (2020) Langstrasse: A dialogue on urban research with Zurich’s residents. SNSF Agora Research Report on exhibition Nach Zürich: Kontroversen der Stadt. Ein Anarchiv
Howe, LB (2017) Constancy and Change: Marlboro South as an Interstice of Marginalization and Development in the Gauteng City-Region. Report 8. Spatial Transformation through Transit-Oriented Development Research Report Series. Johannesburg: University of the Witwatersrand SARCHi Spatial Analysis and City Planning.

Magazines and Popular Media
Howe, LB (2022) Architecture, Academia, Activism. How do we research without being extractive? Forthcoming for Just Spatial Design ZA_Practitioner Stories online in December, 2022.
Howe, LC, Howe, LB and A Whillans (2022) The Pink Tax on Time: The Pervasiveness of Inequality for Women Worldwide. Forthcoming for Time Magazine in October, 2022.
Howe, LB (2021) Raum, Gesellscahft, Umwelt. Eine gemeinsame Zukunft. Verantwortung issue of Forschungsmagazin 1602 der Universität Liechtenstein, Winter 2021.
Howe, LB and Skjonsberg M (2020) The Landscape of Urban Research at the ETH Zurich. GeoAgenda Magazine (digital edition, Spring 2020). 
Herburger, J (2019) Die sozialräumliche Struktur der LEADER-Region Vorderland-Walgau-Bludenz - Auf dem Weg zur alpinen Postsuburbia? Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft 161:35-62.
Brandl, A and Mackowitz, M (2019) Atmosphäre als Haltung. Für eine wahrnehmungsorientierte Lehre in Städtebau und Architektur. Archimeara (8):65-78.
Ludwig, R and Faisst, C (2017) Die Baumeisterinnen aus Ololosokwan. ART AUREA(2-2017).
Howe, LB and Heringer, A (2017) Earth Matter(s)! In K Moe and C Gardner (eds) Interior Matter. Harvard Symposium on Architecture, SOLID Harvard GSD series, a+t 47. Madrid: a+t publishers. 
Howe, LB and Crawford, M (2014) Experimental Utopias. trans 25: Spekulativ, gta Press, 168-173.
Howe, LB (2013) Persistence, Distance, Architecture. trans 22: Haltung, gta Press, 64-67.
Howe, LB (2011) SUDU Project. PLAT Architectural Journal 1.5, Rice University Press, 21-24.

Interviews with USRG
Steiger, M (2023) “Noch dichter wohnen.” Interview with LB Howe for Liechtensteiner Vaterland article on “Dichtestress”, 14 May 2023.
Marti, R (2022) “Jemand muss hören wollen, was die Menschen brauchen.” Interview mit LB Howe und P Koch von urban publics Zurich (upZ). Im Themenheft Gesperrter Raum, befreites Denken – der öffentliche Raum in und nach den Lockdowns (working title). Forthcoming for Hochparterre in November, 2022.
Bondofi, S. “Wo E-Scooter und Traktor sich Gutenacht sagen.” Interview with LB Howe for Swissinfo article on “Rurbanity”, 31 May 2022.